Some of our activities in English: The Sharing Bag and SHOW&TELL

The Sharing Bag and Show&Tell are two similar activities that children do in english. The difference between them is on the importance of the object to put inside the bag.

How does it work?

In the Sharing Bag activity, every child brings home the bag and chooses a toy he/she’s particularly fond of, that can be shared with the class the next day. In the Show&Tell, instead, it can be a particularly important object which has a deep meaning or refers to a very special moment. In both cases, we make a circle with the class and talk about the object, describing its shape, colours etc. and make questions about it to the owner.
These two activities not only aim at teaching children to share their favourite toy, (which is something still a bit difficult especially for the 3-4yrs old), but to share with the teachers and classmates their most significant memories and experiences they outside the school as well.



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